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Protecting Schools – Tornadoes & Other Natural Disasters

As the southwest areas of the country face deadly tornadoes, other areas are preparing their communities and schools for the 2013 Hurricane season, which officially starts on the first day of June. Unlike tornadoes, hurricanes usually give advance warning – sometimes several days – before making landfall. Schools, though, must

State & Local Medical Countermeasures: The 12-Hour Push

Emergency managers are working hard, on a continuing basis, to improve and support the national capability to assist in providing assets to affected areas during an extreme biological incident or emergency requiring medical countermeasures.

Resilience & Emergency Management: All Hazards, All Phases, All Stakeholders

Although there is no universally accepted definition of the term “Resilience,” there is no doubt that planners and responders throughout the world are working to achieve it. The residents of Greenburg, Kansas, are a typical example. After the city was hit in 2007 with an EF5 tornado broader in scope

Special Events: Pre-Event Planning Checklists

Thorough planning that takes into account all of the potential problems, pitfalls, and outright disasters that might be encountered is key to the success of any major special event. Here is a comprehensive list, compiled by a highly respected career professional, of the questions to ask, the intangibles to remember,

Mapping: An Increasingly Valuable Emergency Management Tool

Since the mid-19th century, the method for mapping disasters has evolved from hard-copy maps with manually plotted cases of cholera outbreaks to advanced satellite-based global information systems. The development, introduction, and use of a broad spectrum of GIS systems that can pinpoint – quickly, precisely, and on a continuing basis

FINAL REPORT: Resilience – 2001 to 2011, and Beyond

Experts agree that an “All of Nation” approach is the key component for effective resiliency planning. Resiliency starts from the bottom, where the needs are recognized and defined, and supported all the way to the top, where partnerships and collaboration make it all possible. This report provides valuable information for

Building Resilience: Emergency Management Standards, Technology, and Training

The term “Resilience” started out as a vague and ill-defined insiders’ buzzword, later escalated into a good idea, then became an operational goal, and eventually an equal partner with readiness, response, and recovery. In the last several years it has continued to evolve into a major area of operations and

Resilience – 2001 to 2011, and Beyond Survey

Defining “resilience” across multiple sectors has been a challenge over the years but, in and of itself, does adequately describe what the nation as a whole must do to achieve greater resiliency. DomPrep wants to know your opinion on the nation’s present state of “resilience” and the effectiveness of current

NLE 2011: Successful Learning, Plus Partnership Building

Question: What do Boston’s church bells and the Mississippi River have in common? Answer: Both survived the greatest earthquake in U.S. history (the San Francisco quake pales in comparison). The 200th anniversary of the New Madrid disaster was remembered, appropriately, earlier this year by FEMA, NEMA, CUSEC and an estimated

National Level Exercise Roundtable

In the early 1800s, the New Madrid Seismic Zone, centered in the southeast corner of Missouri, was the site of the largest earthquake in U.S. history. The question is not if another quake will occur in that area, but when will it happen. Listen to Kay Goss’s roundtable discussion on


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Article Out Loud – National Preparedness Month 2024: Talk About It

  Full article by Ian Pleet, an Article Out Loud from Domestic Preparedness, September 4, 2024. In this feature article, an emergency management professional highlights the country’s preparedness goals and identifies available federal resources. By educating and empowering individuals and families to prepare for emergencies, communities can better position themselves

Article Out Loud – Realizing the Power of Community in Disaster Recovery

  Full article by Aaron Clark-Ginsberg, an Article Out Loud from Domestic Preparedness, August 21, 2024. In this feature article, a behavioral and social scientist understands that no two communities are the same. Each community has unique vulnerabilities, capacities, and needs, and each has its own leaders, areas of cooperation,

Article Out Loud – Return on Investments in Public Engagement

Full article by June Isaacson Kailes, an Article Out Loud from Domestic Preparedness, August 14, 2024. In this feature article, a disability policy consultant reminds community leaders that public engagement and participation involve community members in problem-solving, decision-making, and policy development. Result-centered engagement can help protect people with disabilities and

Article Out Loud – A Homeland Vulnerability Continues

  Full article by Robert C. Hutchinson, an Article Out Loud from Domestic Preparedness, August 7, 2024. In this feature article, a former police chief and deputy special agent in charge with the U.S. Department of Homeland Security, Homeland Security Investigations in Miami, Florida, revisits the U visa process. The

Article Out Loud – What Level of Ugly Are Communities Prepared For?

  Full article by Joseph J. Leonard Jr., an Article Out Loud from Domestic Preparedness, July 31, 2024. In this feature article, a retired U.S. Coast Guard commander reflects on the July 2024 attempted assassination of Former President Donald Trump. That incident raises questions about event security, the roles that

Article Out Loud – Volunteers: Incident Management Assets or Liabilities?

  Full article by David Wells, an Article Out Loud from Domestic Preparedness, July 31, 2024. In this feature article, the director of disaster relief for a faith-based nonprofit describes how his organization has refined its volunteer program over the past 57 years of disaster response in the U.S. and


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