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The TRP/ACU 1000: A Major Step Forward in Communications Interoperability

In today’s multiagency environment, first-responder mission-essential tasks have greatly expanded, making the need for a robust communications system capable of operating with other communications systems of various types and configurations a high-priority consideration. Simply speaking, communications interoperability means nothing more and nothing less than the ability of two or more

Army Focuses Inland In Latest Realignment

A major reshuffling of U.S. First Army and U.S. Fifth Army roles and responsibilities will result in more military muscle being made available for homeland security and the increasingly important DSCA (Defense Support of Civilian Authorities) mission.

The U.S. Coast Guard Auxiliary and Homeland Security

Since the 9/11 attacks on the U.S. homeland, the operating tempo of the nation’s active and reserve forces has increased exponentially. In addition, because of the possibility – likelihood is the more appropriate word, most experts say – of additional terrorist attacks, both home and overseas, in the future, it

Army National Guard Assets and Homeland Security

The militia tradition continues in the Brave New World of the 21st century, with the Army and Air National Guard playing the lead roles–but all of the nation’s armed services are assuming new missions and responsibilities in the field of homeland defense

The Use of Naval Militias in Homeland Defense

Only four states – Alaska, New Jersey, New York, and Ohio – now have active naval militias. But two more states, California and Wisconsin, are now considering reorganization initiatives, and many other states may want to consider the low-cost/high-value

USAWC’s New Emphasis on Homeland Security

One of the world’s most-renowned naval/military educational institutions revamps its curriculum to incorporate courses and research projects related to the global war on international terrorism.

A Long Tradition of Voluntary National Service

The recent spate of articles and commentaries about the “Minuteman” group that, without invitation, helped the U.S. Border Patrol apprehend over 300 illegal migrants is a timely reminder that other citizen groups have provided significant homeland-defense
The feet of soldiers in army camouflage marching in formation

State Defense Forces: An Untapped Resource

With a high percentage of the U.S. active-duty forces, and Reserve and National Guard units as well, now deployed overseas, the nation’s governors may be hard-pressed to cope with in-state disasters. The SDFs provide a quick-response, low-cost, experience


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ARTICLE OUT LOUD – Why Messaging Matters: A Regionalized Approach to Alerts and Warnings

Full article by Soraya Sutherlin, an Article Out Loud from Domestic Preparedness. Effective, timely, and unified communication across jurisdictions is essential for saving lives. The 2015 ExxonMobil refinery explosion highlighted the urgent need for coordinated, cross-jurisdictional alerting. Emergency managers, public safety officials, and policymakers must come together to prioritize a

ARTICLE OUT LOUD – The Nexus Between Major Events and Human Trafficking

Full article by Madeline Mann and Lindsey Lane, an Article Out Loud from Domestic Preparedness, November 27, 2024. Most available data do not support the misconception that large-scale events lead to increased human trafficking. Rather, available evidence underscores a harsh truth: Human trafficking is a pervasive problem every day, not

ARTICLE OUT LOUD – A Violent Surge: Sovereign Citizens vs. Government Authority

Full article by Anthony “Tony” Mottola and Richard Schoeberl, an Article Out Loud from Domestic Preparedness.The Federal Bureau of Investigation has classified the Sovereign Citizen movement as a domestic terrorist threat. To prepare law enforcement officials and other public safety agencies for the risks associated with this movement, agencies need

ARTICLE OUT LOUD – Advisory Board Spotlight: Interview with Ray Barishansky

Interview with Ray Barishansky, an Article Out Loud from Domestic Preparedness.Ray Barishansky, DrPH, is on the advisory board for the Domestic Preparedness Journal and has a passion for public health and emergency management. He sat down with the Journal’s Nicolette Casey to share his story. Learn about Dr. Barishansky’s journey

ARTICLE OUT LOUD – The Ethics of Data in Disaster Management and Crisis Operations

Full article by Anthony Mangeri, an Article Out Loud from Domestic PreparednessAs the demand for evidence-based decision-making continues to grow, emergency management professionals must commit to ethical data practices that respect the needs of the community and the rights of individuals. In times of crisis, data can save lives, but

Article Out Loud – Backyard Cybersecurity: The Local Challenge

Full article by Brian Shajari, an Article Out Loud from Domestic Preparedness.In this featured article, a cybersecurity expert shares the importance of cybersecurity to local government functions. Although higher levels of government and businesses may possess the tools necessary to protect against cyberattacks, local governments often do not.Learn where local


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