Emerging Technologies, Part 4 – Robotics and Automation

This is Part 4 of a five-part series on emerging technologies that can enhance the management of and response to future emergencies and disasters. This part focuses on robotics and automation for enhancing efficiency, safety, and effectiveness in crisis response and mitigation.

Emerging Technologies, Part 3 – AI and Machine Learning

In Part 3 of a five-part series on emerging technologies, the author focuses on the roles of artificial intelligence and machine learning in responding to emergencies. These transformative technologies are revolutionizing emergency management, humanitarian relief, and disaster response

Information Technology Sector Perspectives

The Information Technology Sector is one of 16 sectors identified as critical infrastructure under the Cybersecurity & Infrastructure Security Agency. Domestic Preparedness invited subject matter experts to answer questions about this sector, including how the sector and its interdependencies can affect any community.

Emerging Technologies, Part 2 – Uncrewed Vehicles

Part 2 of a five-part series on emerging technologies focuses on technologies designed to perform tasks and reduce human risk. Find out more about these autonomous or remotely controlled machines designed to perform tasks without human operators’ direct involvement.

Emerging Technologies, Part 1 – Information and Communication

This is Part 1 of a five-part series on emerging technologies that can enhance the management of and response to future emergencies and disasters. This part focuses on an all-hazards emergency management approach and information and communication technologies.

Water and Wastewater Sector Perspectives

The Cybersecurity & Infrastructure Security Agency defines the Water and Wastewater Systems Sector as one of “16 critical infrastructure sectors.” Read about this sector’s numerous challenges in maintaining the high level of service necessary to the communities they serve.

Planning for A Cross-Country Special Event

A solar eclipse is a unique form of special event that does not always fall under emergency planning protocols, but it should. This article urges preparedness professionals to collaborate with eclipse planning committees to ensure the safety and security of all those involved.

Cybersecurity in Hospitals and the Public Health Sector

Cyberattacks on healthcare systems affect millions of patients each year. It is critical for agencies and organizations to build a culture of compliance and awareness for the system’s security and the safety of the patients.

Responding to the Call – The Cost of Caring for Others

There is a cost to caring for others, but it does not need to be a lifelong debt that continues to overwhelm the people who stepped up and those around them. The cost can be manageable with the right plan of support and the willingness to explore coping options.

Three Puzzle Pieces That Increase Community Preparedness

This author reflects on his team’s direct mission to New York in response to the September 11, 2001, terrorist attacks, commonly referred to as 9/11, to consider if communities are more prepared today than they were in 2001.

Citizen Soldiers and American State Defense Forces

State defense forces can be activated in times of emergency to assist with disaster response, homeland security, and other missions. However, more awareness within communities nationwide is needed to support the efforts of these assets.

Fireproofing the Future: Safeguarding Against Wildfires

July 2023 was the world’s hottest recorded month in history. Increasing heat events increase the risk of wildfires. However, good land and waste management practices can significantly prevent and mitigate the risk and consequences of these events.


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