Standards for Sharing Intelligence and Information
Diana Hopkins
August 27, 2008
It has taken years to remedy the intelligence-sharing deficiencies reported by the 9-11 Commission, but Congress and the President have worked hard to overcome the ignorance and apathy that once

New Radiological Tool Kits Available from CDC
Judith L. Kanne
August 27, 2008
A major upgrading of state and local abilities to respond to radiological emergencies is now possible, thanks to CDC’s development and production of two new on-the-scene tool kits.

Local Emergency Management: The CFATS Challenge
Joseph W. Trindal
August 20, 2008
Chemical facilities have always been a concern for local first responders. Most major chemical accidents rapidly overwhelm community emergency-services capabilities. Until the terrorist attacks of 11 September 2001, U.S. emergency-services

Hospital Decontamination: Many Questions, But Few Answers
Theodore Tully
August 20, 2008
From “two-lane” decon lanes to high-tech detection equipment and personal protective gear, most U.S. hospitals are behind the curve in preparing to deal with mass-casualty decontamination incidents. What can be done about it?

Radiation Detection: Dosimeters Plus Common Sense
Glen Rudner
August 13, 2008
The reality of a radiation emergency differs little from that caused by a chemical or biological release – any or all of them are either accidental or intentional. But in

Dead Reckoning: EMS, Death, and Resource Management
James Mason
August 13, 2008
The assumption that an accident victim who is not breathing is dead can be a fatal mistake – for the victim. Which is just one of many reasons why so many laws governing the handling of apparent deaths have been enacted by every state in the union.

Battlefield Forensics: Rebirth of an Ancient Science
Neil C. Livingstone
August 13, 2008
Historians see yesterday’s battlefields as primary sources for their next scholarly tomes. The modern military sees today’s battlefield as an unsifted mountain of intelligence information and, possibly, as evidence in future courtroom proceedings.