The Great Central U.S. ShakeOut
Domestic Preparedness
March 7, 2011
All citizens should not only be better prepared for major earthquakes but also practice how to protect themselves if and when earthquakes actually occur. The goal of the Great Central ShakeOut, which is hosted by the Central United States Earthquake Consortium (CUSEC), is to help people and organizations meet both of these objectives.
DHS Announces Release of New Training Course: Workplace Security Awareness
Domestic Preparedness
March 5, 2011
The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) has announced the availability of IS-906, Workplace Security Awareness, a no-cost training course developed by the department’s Office of Infrastructure Protection Sector-Specific Agency Executive Management Office. The online training now available provides guidance to individuals and organizations on how to improve security in the workplace.
Tailoring an Emergency Operations Plan
Raphael M. Barishansky and Audrey Mazurek
March 2, 2011
The old tailor’s maxim – “Measure twice; cut once” – is also a suitable approach to the writing of an all-hazards Emergency Operations Plan for a health department. Here is a comprehensive and easy-to-follow guide to the planning, writing, reviewing, and approval processes necessary to the drafting, development, and dissemination of an effective and workable EOP.
When High-Tech Fails: Back to Plan B
Joseph Cahill
March 2, 2011
Modern communications systems are a marvel to behold – and to use. And they keep getting better, generation after generation. The only problem, though, is that they sometimes fail, for inexplicable reasons and at the worst possible times. Which is why a backup system (pen and paper, perhaps?) is still mandatory. And always will be.