Love Thy Neighbor – But Keep Your Distance
Jerry Mothershead
December 12, 2007
Kill diseases by starving them to death through social distancing! That is probably the most effective and lowest-cost means of containing the spread of diseases carried in microbe-laced weapons of mass destruction.

Dennis R. Schrader, Deputy Administrator, National Preparedness, FEMA
Dennis R. Schrader
December 12, 2007
The new DHS “All Hazards” leader shares his views on the funding and operations of Incident
Management Assistance Teams, Emergency Operations Centers, and other components of today’s “forward
leaning” Federal Emergency Management Agency.

New Tools to Help with HICS Implementation
Craig DeAtley
December 5, 2007
A job well begun is half done – supposedly. Recently issued Hospital Incident Command System guidelines may not be half the job, but they should make it much easier and considerably less complicated.