The Gateway Key to Synergistic Communications

Thanks to mutual-aid compacts between neighboring political jurisdictions, first-responder cooperation at mass-casualty incidents is often a multi-agency effort. But before the agencies can work together they must first be able to speak the same language.

PPE: Defining the Terms, Resolving the Ambiguities

Fundamentally, the personal protective equipment (PPE) required to protect two workers – one responding to a hazmat (hazardous materials) incident and one providing care to an infectious disease patient –

Incident Action Plans for Hazmat/WMD Incidents

A quick but accurate analysis of unknown but potentially lethal agents detected by first responders at the scene of a mass-casualty incident can save many, many lives. That analysis requires skill, knowledge, and state-of-the-art analytical equipment.

Partnerships at Work in Public Health Planning

The Commonwealth of Virginia once again provides a best-practices example of the best way to plan for a potential mass-casualty disaster: Ensure that all stakeholders, private-sector as well as government, are fully involved ahead of time, and practice.

Force Protection – First, Protect the Protectors

Not enough masks and/or medical supplies – those shortages can be overcome. But when there are not enough EMTs or paramedics, or if those who are available are among the early victims, there is no quick and easy way to find replacements.
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