So Much More to Do After the Initial Response
Catherine L. Feinman
July 31, 2024
When a disaster strikes, people pay attention. They watch the news, check on their loved ones, and help survivors as they can. However, after the threat has passed and the initial response has ended, there is still a lot of work to do. The authors in this July edition of the Domestic Preparedness Journal understand the people and resources involved in helping communities recover.

What Level of Ugly Are Communities Prepared For?
Joseph J. Leonard Jr.
July 31, 2024
The July 2024 attempted assassination of Former President Donald Trump raised questions about event security, the roles that agencies play, and the planning and execution of those roles. This article provides lessons learned and best practices that emergency preparedness and public safety professionals should consider before, during, and after upcoming political and other special events.

Volunteers: Incident Management Assets or Liabilities?
David Wells
July 31, 2024
Responses are often only effective if volunteers and their teams are properly trained, prepared, motivated, and deployed. One faith-based organization has refined these criteria over its 57 years of responding to major disasters in the U.S. and abroad. Learn about their best practices for driving the mission, boosting the response effort, and ensuring a positive outcome for each incident recovery effort.

Mitigating Disasters Through Collective Resilience
Andrew (Andy) Altizer and Barrett Cappetto
July 24, 2024
Existing social bonds can help communities better adapt to, respond to, and collectively cope with crises. Although the collective resilience concept is not a typical emergency preparedness strategy or organizational structure, it could help lessen the effects after an emergency. With creative thinking and research, executive leadership can develop realistic programs and support an active process at all organizational levels.

Drones: A Life-Saving Time-Saver
Kevin Jones
July 24, 2024
As drone technology continues to evolve, it is important for law enforcement and other first responder agencies to understand the range of possible applications and physical and legal limitations of these tools. This article highlights the uses that save lives and time during incidents.

The Key Bridge Collapse – Through the Lens of Community Lifelines
Michael Prasad
July 17, 2024
The eight major elements of Community Lifelines use traffic-light-type color-coding to categorize the adverse impact status of a disaster. The article’s author has applied this same system to the recovery efforts following the Key Bridge collapse in Baltimore, Maryland. Learn how he applied this information-gathering tool to an ongoing recovery effort.

Five Key Domains of Incident Management
Aaron Clark-Ginsberg
July 10, 2024
Effective incident management is a set of activities, not policy box-ticking of doctrine that may or may not be followed. A new free toolkit based on five key domains can help incident management teams assess and improve their effectiveness regardless of the incident, incident management team, and policy doctrine members of that team are using.

The Maui Wildfires, Relief Funds, and Incident Recovery
Douglas (Doug) Stockham
July 10, 2024
Financial preplanning goes beyond savings accounts and life insurance policies. When a disaster strikes, some people do not have these protections nor the financial means to fully recover. However, companies can launch relief funds on behalf of their team members to provide financial aid for employees struggling through a disaster or personal hardship.