The Other Life of Command Trucks
Erik Westgard
June 23, 2021
For many years, large outdoor sporting events have requested government and nongovernment organization mobile command and communications trucks to support races. Although traditionally used by incident commanders, volunteer amateur radio groups have found various ways to collaborate during special events and use these resources in Minneapolis, Minnesota to support medical operations.
Connecting: Benefits & Risks
Catherine L. Feinman
June 23, 2021
To take a multidisciplinary, multijurisdictional approach to disaster preparedness and response,
agencies and organizations must connect both in person and virtually. Mutual aid agreements enable
agencies to share resources and develop a collaborative strategy for addressing emerging threats.
Although predicted by experts, the threats that presented over the past year – namely, a global pandemic
and large-scale cyberattacks on critical infrastructure – still caught many communities by surprise.
Online & Social Media Risks – Protecting Children, Part 2
Michael Breslin and Robert Lowery Jr.
June 16, 2021
The nation has experienced unprecedented times due to the COVID-19 pandemic given the requisite need for social distancing and isolation experienced from stay-at-home orders. Daily lives were transformed. For homebound children, this was disruptive and changed daily routines. While at home, children engaged in a variety of safe and supervised activities, such as home schooling, play activities, crafts, games, etc. A side effect of social distancing is temporary physical isolation from many important influences in their lives, such as school and teachers, sports, community organizations, extended relatives, classmates, and friends.
Online & Social Media Risks – Protecting Children, Part 1
Michael Breslin and Robert Lowery Jr.
June 9, 2021
The COVID-19 pandemic brought child predators into people’s homes. In the critical areas of human trafficking and child exploitation, the risks to children increased due to criminals shifting their methods and techniques to online streaming services. Increased virtual learning and stay-home mandates forced children to transition from a classroom environment to home learning via virtual platforms. This
transition done in the perceived safety of a child’s home under the supervision of his/her parent was
and remains fraught with inherent danger.
Fixing America’s Healthcare Supply Chain
James M. Rush Sr.
June 2, 2021
The buildup to World War II illustrated the negative effect that huge wartime demand for medical supplies, equipment, and pharmaceuticals had on public and private healthcare systems in the United States. After the war, the Defense Logistics Agency (DLA) began building and pre-positioning federally owned medical materiel in storage depots domestically and materiel management centers in the European and Pacific theaters of operations. Collectively, these inventories were named war reserve materiel (WRM) and consisted of billions of dollars of medical materiel. The WRM was designed to provide wartime start-up supplies until medical materiel manufacturers could ramp up production to levels capable of supporting both wartime and civilian healthcare needs simultaneously. The medical WRM was also used to provide medical support to contingencies and humanitarian assistance missions both at home and abroad.