June 2022

Wildland Urban Interface: A Look at Issues and Resolutions

FEMA/DHS/USFA developed the “Wildland Urban Interface: A Look at Issues and Resolutions” to stimulate action by raising awareness of the crisis that our nation faces related to wildfire in the wildland urban interface

The Risk-Based Approach to Hazardous Material/WMD Incidents

Low-frequency, high-consequence events are rare, emergency responders still need to be able to evaluate these complex problems and determine initial actions. To avoid being overwhelmed and increasing the risks to both responders and civilians, emergency responders need to be able to quickly identify all potential hazards, then predict the outcome when a hazardous material or weapon of mass destruction¬ (WMD) incident occurs. This article explains how a risk-based approach will better prepare responders for future situations.

DHS S&T Helps Keep Communities Safe from Chemical Hazards During Hurricane Season

Extreme weather from hurricanes and tropical storms can devastate communities along the Atlantic, Gulf and Pacific coasts, and the threat of subsequent hazard chemical releases can be just as deadly. The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Science and Technology Directorate (S&T) actively anticipates and prepares for this possibility.



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