Trauma & Burn Centers – Coping with MCI Disasters

Numerous mass-casualty incidents have demonstrated the value of building and staffing a number of medical centers dealing primarily with trauma and burn patients. But even those centers may not be able to care for all victims of a “mega-disaster” such as the 9/11 terrorist attacks.

The Now Possible Dream: Communications Interoperability

Firefighters, policemen, EMS technicians, & other first responders agree that one of their biggest on-the-job difficulties has been their inability to communicate with their counterparts from other jurisdictions. That huge capabilities “”gap”” may soon be closed, thanks to improved technology and better planning.

ServNC Shapes Quick Response to Icy Kentucky

Thanks to EMAC, ESF-8, and other mutual-assistance policies and programs, individual states no longer have to go it alone when facing a hurricane, an earthquake, a terrorist attack, and/or other disasters, natural or manmade.

NLE-09: A Major Test for the Obama Administration

The former TOPOFF domestic-preparedness exercises designed to test the capabilities and fortitude of the U.S. defense/DHS hierarchy have evolved into a new format – which the nation’s new commander in chief will meet face to face next month.

When Disaster Strikes: Duty First – Then Remembrance and Reflection

The children and grandchildren of the Greatest Generation that won World War II are worthy successors, serving their nation as firefighters, policemen, EMS technicians, and hazmat specialists. Many of them also demonstrate, with their own lives, the last full measure of devotion.

EMS and Suicide Bombings – Some Potentially Deadly Considerations

Most terrorist attacks against the United States have been large-scale incidents. But the demonstrated willingness of individual martyr-terrorists to serve as suicide bombers has changed the equation and requires much greater attention than it has been given so far.

NIMS: Not a Once and Done Proposition

The “”revolutionary era”” of U.S. homeland security started with the terrorist attacks of 11 September 2001. A new era, focused on the maintenance and upgrading of hard-earned responder skills, is about to begin.

Ice Storm 2009: Kentucky’s Regional Response

First-person report: How Kentucky coped with “frozen Hell” earlier this year by making full use of not only its own responder capabilities but also those available through CDC’s Career Epidemiology Field Officer program.
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