Balancing Risk – Understanding & Preparing for Catastrophes
Catherine L. Feinman
June 22, 2016
Space weather, nuclear, and catastrophic natural disasters are just lying in wait for the right
combination of conditions. Although it is not possible to plan specifically for every type of threat –
imaginable and unimaginable – it is necessary to weigh the risks associated with various threats and
take sufficient actions to mitigate the devastating effects.

Electrical Systems & 21st Century Threats
Benjamin Dancer
June 18, 2016
One leading researcher shares his insights into the existential threats that the electrical infrastructure faces. He proposes that a superhighway with electrical systems protected at multiple points is not only

Cascadia Catastrophe – Not If, But When
Arthur Glynn
June 15, 2016
A 9.0-magnitude earthquake off the Washington and British Columbia coast along the 700-mile Cascadia Subduction Zone (CSZ) – followed by a tsunami with 90-foot or more wave surges in some

Space Weather & Electrical Grid – GPS, the Weakest Link
Dana A. Goward
June 8, 2016
Among the many important, yet weak, satellite signals that can be disrupted by space weather, the Global Positioning System (GPS) is undoubtedly the most important and the weakest. Two recent public discussions have highlighted the challenges this poses for the national electrical grid, both today and going forward.

Preparing for Everything Under the Sun
Joshua Sparber
June 8, 2016
The Space Weather Conference in Broomfield, Colorado, on 25-29 April 2016 focused on improving space weather models and exploring more diverse and effective research tools. Current U.S. policy has shifted in favor of more research and funding, which can only be accomplished through better cooperation between the public and private sectors.