
Malicious and Non-Malicious Cyber Incidents: Education and Preparation

Working with stakeholders across an organization to ensure cyber resilience is a part of disaster planning. Education is critical. Helping users understand hackersā€™ strategies to compromise an organization is foundational, and forward-looking efforts can help prevent oversights or critical failures during larger events.

Securing Cities: The Fight Against Local Level Cyberthreats

As digital threats against local governments and private entities grow more sophisticated, the need for action becomes urgent. Cybersecurity is a shared responsibility, and at the local level, it forms the bedrock of the collective digital safety and security for all. Every citizen, agency, and organization must play a part
Two women and one man sit in a dark room at a computer table with three monitors. Behind the monitors is a world map with markers protruding

A Holistic Approach to Cybersecurity Risk

Cybersecurity is a core business process that involves the entire organization or agency. So, it should not be brushed off as an ā€œIT thing.ā€ A cybersecurity state coordinator for CISA explains how the continuity of government and operations depends on a collaborative approach.

Water and Wastewater Sector Perspectives

The Cybersecurity & Infrastructure Security Agency defines the Water and Wastewater Systems Sector as one of ā€œ16 critical infrastructure sectors.ā€ Read about this sectorā€™s numerous challenges in maintaining the high level of service necessary to the communities they serve.

Article Out Loud – Water and Wastewater Sector Perspectives

The Water and Wastewater Systems Sector is one of 16 sectors identified as critical infrastructure under the Cybersecurity & Infrastructure Security Agency. Domestic Preparedness invited a subject matter expert to answer questions about this sector, including how the sector and its interdependencies can affect any community.
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