Article Out Loud – Navigating the Seismic Dance: Preparedness in the Ring of Fire

Full article by Alicia Johnson, an Article Out Loud from Domestic Preparedness, May 8, 2024.

In this feature article, an emergency manager with extensive experience in risk communications and public affairs informs readers about the multifaceted nature of earthquake risks and delineates the indispensable role organizations play in mitigating the impacts of such calamities through informative, equitable, and persuasive techniques.

Listen to expert insights on the Pacific Ring of Fire, a moniker that evokes images of volatility and destruction. It is not merely a geographic term but a constant reminder of humans’ vulnerability to the earth’s whims.

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Alicia Johnson

Alicia D. Johnson, MPA, is a highly accomplished emergency manager and the CEO ofTwo Lynchpin Road. With over 20 years of experience in the public sector, she has a demonstrated track record of success in risk communications and public affairs. She uses human-centered principles to build collaborative relationships that protect the people and places we value. Her clients span local, state, federal, and non-profit partners in disaster management. Ms. Johnson has a wealth of experience in responding to several disasters and large-scale events, including the formidable Hurricane Sandy, the high-profile Super Bowl 50, the devastating 2017 Sonoma County Fires, and the COVID-19 pandemic. She regularly served as an Emergency Operations Center Manager and has held numerous positions within Incident Command Teams. Alicia holds Communications, Political Science, and Public Administration degrees from the University of Colorado.



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