Article Out Loud – Reducing Workplace Violence in Healthcare Facilities

By CORINA SOLÉ BRITO, An Article Out Loud from the Domestic Preparedness, September 27, 2023.

Violence in healthcare facilities significantly challenges patients, providers, support staff, visitors, and first responders. However, healthcare-specific information and tools can help protect staff, patients, and others in these facilities.

Narrated by Madison Leeves.

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Corina Solé Brito

Corina Solé Brito, MA, has had the honor of working with first responders fornearly threedecades. As a senior manager with the Police Executive Research Forum, sheco-authored guides on preparing the law enforcement system for a public health emergency. She helpedconduct case studies on four departments at various stages of pandemic planning. She served as the communications manager for the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration Disaster Technical Assistance Center, where she developed materials for disaster responders and survivors. Since itsinception, she has managed communications for theU.S. Department of Health and Human Services’ Administration for StrategicPreparedness and Response’s Technical Resources,AssistanceCenter, and Information Exchange (ASPR TRACIE)project. Currently, she serves asthe ICFInternational’sdeputy program manager. 



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