FINAL REPORT: The Chemical Threat & The State of Chemical Preparedness

The DP40 and DomPrep readers where asked to voice their opinions on how prepared the United States is for a chemical attack and what it might mean for local emergency managers if a chemical warfare agent or TIC/TIM (toxic industrial chemical/toxic industrial material) event occurred.

‘By Far the Greatest Threat to U.S. Civil Aviation’

Umar Farouk Abdulmutullab was walking, almost literally, in the footsteps of Richard Reid when he tried to detonate an “underwear” bomb aboard Northwest Airlines Flight 253 on Christmas Day 2009. Additional jihadist attacks are inevitable – unless and until the United States changes its supposedly egalitarian screening process in favor

Surgically Implanted Death: Human IEDs vs. Full-Body Scanning

Terrorist patterns of adaptation continue to present challenges for the emergency services community worldwide.  In the 1980s the number of terrorist suicide/homicide bombings was rapidly increasing and spreading.  Terrorist tactics almost exclusively involved person-borne and vehicle-borne delivery of improvised explosive devices (IEDs).  Some terrorist groups led the way toward adaptation,

The Need for Situational Awareness in a CBRNE Attack

The handling of mass-casualty incidents involving chemical, biological, radiological, nuclear, and/or explosive materials requires special training and purpose-built systems and equipment, but the greatest need on-site is continuing awareness by emergency responders of the horrendous threat they, and the innocent victims they are helping, are facing.

The Short- & Long-Term Changes Needed at DHS, TSA

Contrary to Secretary Napolitano’s rather politicized assertion that “the [U.S. aviation security] system worked,” it definitely did NOT work. But it could be made immensely more effective – less costly as well – if certain common-sense, albeit politically difficult, changes were made. Beginning immediately, and starting at the top.

Responding to CBRNE Attacks: A Quick Primer

The dangers posed by IEDs, chemical and biological weapons & devices, and other WMDs has grown exponentially in recent years – to the point that many analysts now use the term “when, not if” in answering questions about the possibility of additional terrorist attacks against the United States. The time to prepare is

The PPE & Other Basic Needs of Tactical Officers

An alarming report issued by the WMD Commission – combined with the growing need to “protect the protectors” and an increase in other responsibilities – suggests that law-enforcement agencies, specifically including SWAT teams, may soon have to become hazmat experts as well.

Keeping It Simple – And the Need for Pre-Planning

Question: How does an all-electric racing car work? Answer: By pushing the “start” button. One of the biggest problems in the field of domestic preparedness, it says here, is the misguided instructional emphasis on theory and complex technology rather than maintaining a laser-beamed focus on practical training, the explanation of

Training Tests State Agency’s Response to Natural & Man-Made Disasters

The Wisconsin Emergency Management (WEM) & the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) conducted training designed to better prepare Wisconsin’s many state agencies to effectively manage a major disaster. During a four-day training exercise, more than 75 local, state, volunteer, and federal emergency responders tested emergency response and recovery plans to

ICD – Shorthand for a Potentially Ubiquitous Threat

Chemicals are a part of the everyday American’s diet. They are used – in carefully measured doses, it is hoped – in manufacturing; in the processing of food, beverages, medicines, and numerous other consumables; and in many other ways in almost every country in the world. Because of their relatively

Lessons Learned for Critical Infrastructure

Most discussions about protection of the U.S. “critical infrastructure” focus on power plants, government buildings, nuclear facilities, and other high-value “things.” It says here that people, U.S. citizens, both government workers and the general public – human assets, in other words – also need protection and, in fact, should be


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