The Evolution of Homeland Security Higher Education

  Terrorism, transnational criminal organizations, critical infrastructure attacks, and cyberattacks are just a few of the top 2024 threats identified in the U.S. Department of Homeland Security’s latest Homeland Threat Assessment. The homeland security landscape has profoundly transformed since the terrorist attacks on September 11, 2001. The generation that answered that call has largely retired, passing the torch to a new breed of leaders who face different challenges. In addition, the threats have become more complex…

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Headphones hanging on cubicle partition in empty call center office

Support and Planning Inside 911 Centers

In an emergency, call 911. This simple instruction is easy to remember, but many do not know about the people, training, and technology required to make this lifesaving tool available 24-7. Learn about what happens inside the four walls of an emergency communications center and the strategic planning every community
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Protecting Infrastructure – Cyber, Physical, and EMP Attacks

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Repeated Intelligence Failures – Not Connecting the Dots

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Five soldiers load boxes of water into a U.S. Navy helicopter on a tarmac

The [Evil] Empire Strikes Back: National Security Emergencies

After the Cold War fears of the 1980s ended, attention shifted from nation-state threats to terrorism and large-scale natural hazards. However, a federal emergency planner says the return of these threats should prompt a review of the national security emergencies concept to ensure communities are prepared to address them.


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National Preparedness Efforts Among Tribal Communities

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The Evolution of Homeland Security Higher Education

  Terrorism, transnational criminal organizations, critical infrastructure attacks, and cyberattacks are just a few of the top 2024 threats identified in the U.S. Department of Homeland Security’s latest Homeland Threat Assessment. The homeland security landscape has profoundly transformed since the terrorist attacks on September 11, 2001. The generation that answered that call has largely retired, passing the torch to a new breed of leaders who face different challenges. In addition, the threats have become more complex…

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Clear blue sky, tall yellow hotel building, with smaller freestanding shops in front along a lake

Commercial Facilities Sector Perspectives

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Targeted Violence in Schools: Are Future Educators Prepared?

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Sports Celebrations – Expect the Best, Plan for the Worst

Large sports-related celebratory events necessitate a coordinated response from municipal government agencies and the community. Thorough planning, intelligence-based risk assessments, and stakeholder input are critical


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