Staying Safe Amid a Violent World
Richard Schoeberl
September 24, 2014
New terrorist threats against Western nations surface each day. Although these threats have prevented many citizens of these nations from traveling abroad, many other citizens continue to travel for school, work, and pleasure. By recognizing the threats and taking adequate precautions, traveler can reduce their risk of harm to life and safety.

Preparedness 101 & Beyond
Catherine L. Feinman
September 24, 2014
Critical Infrastructure – Preparing for the “Long Haul” by Joe D. ManousCritical Infrastructure – Addressing an Overarching Concept (Podcast) by Joe D. ManousCritical infrastructure, sustainability, and resilience are terms that are commonly

Critical Infrastructure – Addressing an Overarching Concept
Joe D. Manous Jr.
September 24, 2014
Since 9/11, critical infrastructure has evolved from a basic awareness of security into robust
discussions on how to sustain entire communities. Each natural and manmade disaster emphasizes the need
for greater sustainability and resilience. In this podcast, subject matter experts discuss some of these
lessons learned, as well as development of career fields and bodies of knowledge.

Critical Infrastructure Protection: History, Overview & Update
Kay C. Goss
September 23, 2014
Critical infrastructure protection focuses on everyday activities related to all kinds of hazards to promote security and threat deterrence. Community and infrastructure protection, transportation and trans-border security, and protection of key leadership and events encompass the mission activities of the new National Protection Framework.

Applying the Kipling Method to Infrastructure Protection
Joseph Cahill
September 17, 2014
In 1900, writer Rudyard Kipling created a story about “The Elephant’s Child” that would not stop asking questions. More than 100 years later, planners must ask similarly tough questions in order to protect critical infrastructure assets that could have devastating ripple effects should they cease functioning.

Building Resilience – School Safety & Security Standards
Wayne Bergeron
September 17, 2014
School shootings draw a lot of attention from the media as well as from the public, but the number of school deaths is small compared to those that occur away from school property. Although “statistically safe,” schools still must prepare for a broad range of possible incidents and could benefit from standardized safety and security efforts.

True Resilience in Practice
Marko Bourne
September 17, 2014
Recovery, risk mitigation, and economic growth are the necessary elements that compose the concept of resilience. Building this resilience, however, requires being able to break out of operational and program silos at all levels of government and to work with nontraditional community groups to harness the power of social media.

Leadership Consciousness: A Call to Action
Samuel Johnson Jr.
September 10, 2014
Being a great leader requires much more than just a title. True leaders build a solid foundation on honor and respect, which includes building rapport with others and being aware that all actions have consequences. Emergency management and public safety officials all have the ability to be “leaders” and agents for change.

Military & Civilian Resources: Doing More With Less
Aaron Sean Poynton
September 10, 2014
The civil unrest in Ferguson, Missouri, has raised questions about the transfer of Department of Defense (DOD) resources to nonmilitary law enforcement agencies. However, the answers to these questions require some background information about the DOD 1033 program and the equipment used on the streets in Saint Louis County.

Solar Storm Near Miss & Threats to Lifeline Infrastructure
Charles (Chuck) L. Manto
September 10, 2014
In July 2012, a disastrous solar storm could have crippled the country – and possibly the planet – for months had its occurrence not missed Earth by less than two weeks. New reports about that storm have reignited the discussion about the effects of an electromagnetic pulse and the impact on society.